Saturday, May 22, 2010

bubba sez...

So I was eating breakfast the other day, and I saw this on someone's bagel bag....

<---- it says... "Bubba sez... Eat Lots of Bagels"

...I died laughing!

So yes. It was funny. Also, I finally made apartment 7 one of the two cakes i owe them! I made it all super fancy with pink sparkly gel. :)

Date last night = funnn! It was Joe, Carly Jo, Josh and me. We went to someone's house and watched August Rush (ah-may-zing), then rocked out with Rock Band! It was quite excellent. :)

conversation between my parents and I...
me: i need food. can i have grocery money?
dad: your mom and i are at sonic. want me to send you a burger?
me: yes, send it express, please
dad: tell your mom to stop drinking my drink!
hahah. Gotta love parents. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2 Nephi 8:17, 24-25.

17) Awake, awake and stand up, O Jerusalem... 24) Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments.... 25) Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

....i love da skippers. :)

tender mercies

I'd never realized how many tender mercies the Lord blesses us with...

It's incredible, when you really start to think about it.... I've been blessed with so many things here up at school, both big and small:
  • I got the most amazing roommates a girl could ask for
  • I love all of my classes, and am actually doing well
  • The temple is so close, you can walk! AND you can go whenever you want!
  • Being in such a church-enriched environment
  • I'm actually sleeping well!!!
I could go on forever.....
There's this hymn that I love... I can't remember the name of it, but I have the lyrics posted on my wall, and they're so amazing!

"Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain thee.
He never will suffer the righteous to fall.
He is at thy right hand.
Thy mercy, Lord, is great and far above the heavens,
Let none be ashamed to wait upon thee."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

sundays = best days.

day: SUNDAY.
weather: GORGEOUS.
waffles at the waffle party: DELICIOUS. thank you, apartment 7, for being awesome.

epic stake conference... best talks given by Elder Hales and President Monson. Simply ah-may-zing. Basically.... our homes (future homes, in my case) need to be gospel-based. I need to share with my children what I know and share my testimony. And we must reach out to those who have fallen away from the gospel, and need uplifting. It's our duty. Two very powerful talks.

Michelle and I matched today :)
She's even wearing my shirt! -->

This is the "sassy pickle" after which I am named (according to Josh).
<-- Thank you, Brolium's.

So.... yes. Sunday's are the best day of the week. :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

great. day. :)

So there's a few reasons as to why today is a great day. :) (Friday, May 14).

First of all.... it's a FRIDAY!
Second.... only two classes!
Third.... went to the temple with Cami!
Fourth.... I learned how to play tennis!
Fifth.... awesome date with Josh tonight :)

I mean really... does it get any better than that?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

hi :)

sooo this is my first blog :) ... here we go!
i'm loving it here at BYU-Idaho! my roommates are the funniest, craziest girls you'll ever meet, and I love them to death! I'll post pictures...eventually!
But for now...
My friend, Ben, went to the Mute Math concert (SO JEALOUS!) and he got me a shirt! :)

Okay. So. I went on these really fun dates with Josh :) The first one we went lunar mini-golfing, and afterwards we had the most MASSIVE water-fight ever!! Michelle, Ben, and Joe were there too! I totally won that water fight, by the way.............. (not haha) anddd last Saturday we went and got pizza and he taught me how to long board:) Aaron snapped this cute picture of us... :)

So ... basically ... I'm loving being at school. THE END